Ever parent worries about how to keep their child safe in a world that is changing and that is unpredictable. Kidnapping, exploitation, and predators seem to be in the news more and more. Parents start to wonder, does my kid really need a phone? Is the phone harming or is helping me when I just need to get things done?
My Opinion
Kids do not need phones to be entertained and I believe that children need devices or the use of the internet. Even though there is many safety features I have read and heard countless times that grooming still is happening.

Statistics and facts on technology & apps
If you follow me on instagram, you may know that I am advocate for human trafficking and child safety. I also have a master's in healthcare administration and doing research on this topic is another passion of mine.
One word to become aware of is Grooming. Grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a minor. This happens more than one can think of and it happens more often than not on online games, applications, and facebook. Educate yourself to better protect one's child.
34% of victims were 13 years old or under, the youngest being 8.
43% of victims were 14-17 years old.
22% of incidents occurred on facebook.
34% of incidents occurred on instagram, snapchat, and Kik messenger.
9% were on online gaming platforms.
What are the risks despite safety features?
Children can be easier redirected to inappropriate content.
Children can be easily see content that is inappropriate, especially on video sharing sites (ex: youtube).
Studies have shown that children who use and have a devices have mental health and other health risks.
How to keep a child entertained (Technology-Free)?
Have them read a book, learn or do math problems.
Play in the backyard.
Have them help with chores/tasks.
Table Time; Arts & Crafts.
Write letters to friends & family.
Build a Fort.
Design a Scavenger Hunt.
Do a Puzzle.
If you are going out to a restaurant, doctors appointment or taking a kid to a grocery store?
Tip 1: Set Expectations & Routines Before Arriving
- Talking to your kids and explaining our expectation is on of the best ways for them to behave.
Tip 2: Create a Travel Toy Bag
- Only to be used when out and about; skip the "dollar section at target", choose quality toys that stimulate STEM.
Tip 3: Buy a Magic Reflection Ball
Tip 4: Buy a busy baby mat
Tip 5: Pack Paper & Crayons.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions please reach out! Kelsey@kelseycharmayne.com